bruno duarte.

Sete dias de inverno

Directed by Henrique Pina | Choreography by Bruno Duarte for Almada Dance Company
Premiered on March 6th, 2020 at Auditório Osvaldo Azinheira – Academia Almadense, Almada.


Saturnalia was an ancient Roman festival that took place in worship of Saturn, god of agriculture.
For seven days in December, Rome was transformed and social norms were reversed, in celebration of freedom and a new agrarian year.
The spirit of these festivities passed from people to people, overflowed borders and remains centuries later under various names and forms, adorned by the customs of those who welcomed them.
In the villages of Trás-os-Montes, in the north of Portugal, rituals in praise of freedom, youth and pagan gods continue the symbolism of other times. A celebration of life that spreads through the crowd.
And the people dance.


Direction: Henrique Pina
Choreography: Bruno Duarte
Performance: Bruno Duarte, Carlota Sela, Francisco Ferreira, Joana Puntel, Luís Malaquias, Mariana Romão, Raquel Tavares
Photography direction and color grading: Lee Fuzeta
Wardrobe: Nuno Nogueira
Camera assistant and drone operation: Nuno Magalhães
Editing: Henrique Pina
Head of production: Luís Malaquias
Production assistant: José Pacheco
Production: Companhia de Dança de Almada in association with Moonway Films

Thanks: Maria Luísa Dias, José Manso