for Almada Dance Company
When you touch someone you’re not touching a thing but a person, which is not an object of pleasure, which cannot be consummated, but which offers the possibility of authentic communion. Without this communion, chastity is not possible, but one is driven by compulsion, impulse, and possession.
Enzo Bianchi, In "Monastero di Bose"
Artistic overview
Conception and choreography: Bruno Duarte
Co-creation and performance (original cast): Beatriz Rousseau, Bruno Duarte, Francisco Ferreira, Joana Puntel, Luís Malaquias, Mariana Romão, Raquel Tavares
Music: António Vivaldi, Bruno Coulais, Hanan Townshend, Nicola Porpora, Ottorino Respighi, Vladimir Ivanoff
Sound design: Bruno Duarte
Répétiteur and assistant choreographer: Maria João Lopes
Šibenik City Museum, Sibenik - Croatia, July 26, 2023
Real Edifício de Mafra | Claustro Sul, Mafra - Portugal, November 13, 2022
Ferdinand-Schmetz Platz , Herzogenrath - Germany, August 26, 2022
Kaizerplatz, Düren - Germany, August 25, 2022
Casa Delle Culture e Della Musica, Velletri – Italy, July 10, 2021
Mosteiro de Alcobaça, Alcobaça - Portugal, July 13, 2019
Universidade de Coimbra | Páteo das Escolas, Coimbra - Portugal, July 12, 2019