bruno duarte.

verbo: mentir

for Arabesque / Teatro Municipal de Ourém

Choreography by Bruno Duarte and Luís Malaquias
Premiered on July 15th, 2023, at Teatro Municipal de Ourém


The term "Magic Realism" was coined by German photographer, art critic and historian Franz Roh in 1925 to refer to works of art that combine elements of realism with the fantastic, disturbing, mythological and dreamlike.
To what extent is the human body, from the perspective of its scenic existence, capable of materializing this concept?
From the exploration of the artistic and personal experiences of performers and creators, a dramaturgical web is developed in which movement and words are seen as a motto and tool for the construction of narratives about the mundane and the surreal. We talk about truth and lies, assuming the gray area that nourishes and in which the performing arts thrive. This is the poetics of the body in movement - by pretending to be, it becomes!


Artistic overview
Choreography: Bruno Duarte and Luís Malaquias
Music: Bruno Duarte and Luís Malaquias
Performers, (original cast): Beatriz Pereira, Vanessa Cunha and students from the secondary course of Arabeque dance school

Light design: Paulo Santos